Monsoon Essentials

Monsoon Essentials
Monsoon Essentials

Changing your mind!

As the title implies this would be a great surgical procedure and may well be something of the future. However it can often work against you in life as it is finite and will take your life in a different direction, especially if you have set out to achieve some goal in life. 

As you start in a new direction towards achieving your goals you may well need to course correct on route, and as opposed to 'changing direction', this is not a bad thing. If you think about the Apollo 11 rocket in 1969 heading to the moon. With the aid of computers it would have course corrected many thousands of times in order eventually land on the moon at the predetermined spot from Earth. If it had not course corrected on its 238,855 miles (384,400 Kms) journey it is possible it may have missed the moon all together! That is how everyone reaches their goals. Things happen and things change along the way, so you need to be flexible to see these and change direction or 'course correct' to get you back on track to your goal.

So you can see to simply 'change your mind' can work against yourself, and leads to you give up on the dreams you set out to achieve. It is always better to take small steps towards achieving your goal on a daily basis and if a little correction is called for then adjust, but never, never, never give up on your goals!!

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