5 Tips To Help You Wake Up On Time In The Morning
5 Tips To Help You Wake Up On Time In The Morning
1. Follow A Bedtime Schedule
When you go to bed at different times every night, you can't fall asleep at a specific time and may not have adequate sleep as well. Sleeping at different times makes waking up difficult because your body has problems adjusting to varying sleep times.
2. Follow The Sleep Routine During Weekend
Yes, this is a spoiler, but you should try and follow the same sleep schedule even on the weekends.
3. Knock Off Your Laziness
When you have to wake up on time, keep your alarm clock at a considerable distance from you. And make sure that you have the loudest tone on. This will prompt you to wake up, walk up to the clock, and turn it off. But if you have the clock right next to you, you tend to turn it off and fall asleep again, thus getting late for the day.
4. Drink A LOT of water
When you drink a lot of water just before you go to bed, it is pretty obvious that you need to visit the washroom early in the morning. That will definitely make you feel wide awake.
5. Don't Jumpstart Your Day
You don't need to jumpstart your day. When you wake up, switch on the radio, listen to the music, and check your Facebook and personal mail. This will keep you smiling when you start your day. But be sure that you don't get on your phone the first thing in the morning; that may not go well with your parents.
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